
maybe i should make a journey

与DJ Kaile chat,他在Messina, 8月他打算去瑞士一周度假,他告诉我he wanna be free。

他说下周他也有一个星期的假但是不知道做什么,我说来Palermo吧,反正很近,又可以来海滩,他说,还可以顺道来看你啊。呵呵,Kaile 又说,你可以来Messina啊。 对哦,也许我可以去他那儿看看,反正火车只有2个小时而已, 还可以去eolian islands看看。

sometime , i wanna be a boy, a male, then i won-t care the dangerous on the trip, and i don-t need to take any make-up stuff. I am just a very very simple person, i have a very very simple heart, and i like the people who are also simple. I hate complicated life although the reality of life and society are sooooo complicated.

I think it is possible to plan a trip to Messina.
Wish me lucky!

